- There are a lot of construction tools that create small particles of dust.
- These small dust particles will float around in the air after the tool work has finished.
- You can inhale these airborne dust particles deep into your lungs.
- Which can cause significant problems to your health down the line.
Silica Dust & Respiratory Disease
Silica is a natural substance found in such construction site materials as concrete, bricks, rocks, stone, sand and clay. Silica when it’s intact is harmless. However, when it is cut, ground, drilled or otherwise disturbed silica is released as fine particles and can be inhaled deep into the lungs. Breathing excessive amounts of silica can cause a potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis and has been linked with other respiratory diseases.
Wood Dust & risks to health
Wood processing causes small particles of wood dust to become suspended in the air. Workers can inhale these particles. A person’s upper respiratory system can filter out the larger particles, but smaller particles can go deep into the lungs causing damage and scarring to the lung tissue. Each time this happens a small amount of irreversible damage occurs. This damage reduces the lungs’ ability to take in oxygen and over time makes it increasingly difficult to breathe. Skin contact with dust especially wood dust can cause ulceration of the skin, irritation and dermatitis. The presence of glues, resins, formaldehyde, arsenic, boron and other wood treatment chemicals in some wood products increase the health risks from wood dust.
- Tasks that expose construction workers to dust hazards
- Sawing, hammering, sanding, routing, drilling or grinding of bricks, stone, wood or other fibre cement products e.g. Linea Board.
- Concrete mixing, cutting, drilling, chipping, etching or abrasive blasting.
- Hauling, dumping, chipping, hammering and drilling of rock.
- Dry sweeping or using pressurised air to blow concrete, rock, sand or wood dust.
- Demolition of concrete or masonry and buildings.
- Bagging dust from dust extraction systems then emptying them into skip bins.
- Site excavations and landscaping
Dust Control
The key to preventing dust exposure is keeping dust out of the air. This can be achieved by:
Vacuum Extraction: The most effective way to control dust is by using on‐tool extraction / vacuum systems to control dust at source. Purchase tools which feature a “tool‐start” vacuum attached to a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.
Wet Work: Wet work methods are also effective in controlling dust. Wet‐machining processes (e.g. concrete wet‐saw) should be used in preference to dry‐machining. Water hoses should be used to wet down any dust created before it becomes airborne and to frequently clean equipment.
Dust‐reducing Equipment: Use cutting equipment and methods which minimise dust. Dust‐reducing circular / drop‐saws should be used in conjunction with dust‐reducing blades which generate larger (and less respirable) dust particles. Where practicable, other hand machining tools or cutting methods (e.g. score‐and‐snap) may be options. Equipment should be maintained and frequently cleaned to ensure efficient operation.
Adequate Ventilation: Always undertake machining of dust producing products in well‐ventilated outdoor areas. Consider prevailing winds and warn others in close proximity. Use the hazard board to communicate with others and setup an exclusion zone using cones or tape. If machining is to occur indoors then appropriate controls need to be established e.g. dedicated containment room with exhaust extraction, etc.
Cleaning Practices: Do not dry sweep. Dust should be removed from work areas using vacuums with HEPA filters or a water hose.
Protecting yourself
Task Appropriate Respirators: Respirators should be used together with other dust control methods and not as the primary way to prevent exposure to dust.
Ensure the correct respirator is used for the job dependent on dust levels and particle size (refer to the safety data sheet for the product being handled). A P1 or P2 disposable respirator (face mask) is a minimum for low to medium dust levels. A half or full‐face P1 or P2 respirator may be required for medium to high dust levels.
Training and Supervision: Respirators are only effective when they are properly used. A facial fit test should be carried out for each worker and training provided on the correct use of respirators. Respirators should be cleaned and maintained to ensure they remain fit for purpose and stored in a clean cupboard when they are not in use. Most importantly, supervise workers to ensure they are being used and used correctly.
Other Controls
Protective Clothing: Dusty clothes should not be allowed to contaminate cars, homes or other areas outside the worksite. Have disposable or washable clothes to change into at work. Change into clean clothes (and if possible, shower or wash before leaving the worksite). Do not allow dusty clothes to contaminate other clothing – wash separately.
Personal Hygiene: Follow good personal hygiene practices. This includes not eating, drinking or smoking in dusty areas; washing your face and hands before eating, drinking or smoking outside dusty areas; parking your car in an area that will not be contaminated by dust.
Air Monitoring: Where Contractor employees are exposed to dust, the employer should carry out air monitoring to measure the overall amount of dust created at various positions on the worksite and the maximum level of worker exposure.
Health Monitoring: Similarly, ongoing health surveillance (including lung function testing) should be provided for employees who may be exposed to dust.
Know your hazard type
You’ll need to select equipment based on whether your work environment contains particles such as hazardous dusts or fibers, a gas or vapor hazard (such as solvent vapors or chlorine gas), or both types of hazards.
Generally, you protect against particulate hazards with a filter and against gas and vapors with a cartridge. If both types of hazards are present, combination cartridges are an option that can filter out both particles and gas or vapors.
Disposable respirators – Used to help provide protection against dusts and or fibers.
Used to help provide protection against dust fibers, gases and vapors or a combination of both.
Covers half of the face including the nose and mouth.
Covers the eyes and much of the face and can sometimes replace the need for safety glasses.
Making sure your Respiratory Protection fits / seals properly
Fit Testing – As facial characteristics vary from person to person, it’s unlikely that one model or size of RPE will fit everyone. The RPE must be the appropriate for the size of the face. In addition, some types of RPE must give a tight seal around the face to be effective. If there is leak in the seal the substance will come through as the size of a hazardous particle is 10 times smaller than that of a human hair. Fit testing can also be a useful training exercise to learn how to wear the RPE correctly. Fit testing should be repeated annually if there is a significant change in the wearer’s facial characteristics.
Note: Facial hair and stubble even a day’s growth) make it almost impossible to get a good seal. If wearers have beards alternative options should be explored that do not rely on a tight fit to the face. Jewelry, glasses, long hair and makeup can also compromise a face fit.
Positive pressure fit check
- Block the exhalation valve with the palm of your hand.
- Gently breathe out and hold for 10seconds.
- Check to see if the face-piece is bulging slightly.
If the face-piece remains bulging and there are no more leaks between the face and face-piece, the respirator is properly fitted. If you detect leaks, re-adjust the straps and check again for a proper fit.
Negative pressure fit check
- Block the cartridges with the palms of your hands.
- Gently inhale and hold for about 10-Seconds.
- Check to see if the face-piece is collapsing slightly.
If the face-piece remains collapsed and there are no more leaks between the face and face-piece. The respirator is properly fitted. If you detect leaks, readjust the straps and check again for a proper fit.