
Contractors Portal


Fletcher Living has a long history and strong commitment to providing quality new homes for Kiwis. It has taken 110 years to get to where we are today - since James Fletcher built his first weatherboard home in Dunedin in 1909. The home still stands proud and is an ever-present statement of our craftsmanship.

Our people are our greatest asset, and we reflect this in our values. We all have a part of play in nurturing and fostering a culture that’s safety-led, inclusive and enables us all to thrive.

Here at Fletcher Living, doing the right thing matters. We are accountable for our actions and for living and championing our values.

Protect is one of our Core Values. We are putting the belief that ‘all injuries are preventable’ front and centre in all that we do. The health, safety and wellbeing of our people always comes first. We know that understanding health and safety can be really confusing and frustrating so to support you and your colleagues we've developed this website so that you and your teams have easy access to health and safety information and raise the bar onsite.

Our Life Saving Rules